Thursday, 25 November 2021

Kapa Haka

 Last week we had our kapa haka performance, but it was a little bit different. Because of Covid we couldn't perform at the festival, so someone came and filmed us. For me it was a little bit sad because it was my last Kapa Haka at Wainui, I was in the third row. Here are all the songs.

  Utaina mai nga waka
  Nga waka o te motu
  Hoea mai ra ki uta 
  Ki te takotoranga
Hiki nuku hiki e
Hiki rangi, rangi e
Tena tena ra

koutou katoa

  Utaina mai Hi!
Utaina mai Hi!
Utaina mai nga iwi o te motu
Ki runga Whakatu e tau nei
Hiki nuku e! Hiki rangi e!
Hiki rangi e! Hiki nuku e!
I a ha ha!
Ka hikatia tana iwi
Ka hapainga I tana waka
Aue! Aue! Aue!Aue!
Song two: Ka Waiata 
Ka waiata ka Māria
Hi-i-nei wha-kāe
Whaka-meatia mai,
Te whare tangata.
pūrotu, Hine ngākau,
Ko Te 
Whaea, ko te whaea
O te ao 

  Song three: Aue, auē Rona ē
Takoto ana au
 Ki te moenga uriuri 
Tū ake āu 
Titiro ki te atarau 
Kei runga rā 
Te marama e whiti ana 
Kei arā Rona 
Kei roto rā 
Piri ki te taha 
Piri ki te ngaio 
Aue, auē ra
e Rona ē
Aue, auē Rona ē

Song four: Kapanapana
A ra ra! Ka Panapana! I a! ha! ha! Aue! Ka rekareka tonu taku ngakau ki nga mana ririki pōhatu-whakapiri (Kia) haere mai Te takitini (Kia) haeremai Te takimano kia paretaitokotia ki turanga. Katoa: Hi! Ha! Aue! Kaea: He mamae, He mamae Katoa: I! A! Ha! Ha! Aue! Kaea: Ka haere, ka haere taku Powhiri ki te tai whakarunga Katoa: Hoki mai, hoki mai taku tinana Kaea: Ka haere, ka haere taku Powhiri ki te tai whakararo Katoa: Hoki mai, hoki mai taku tinana Kaea: Kia huri au ki te tai whakatu a Kupe Ki te tai o Matawhero i motu nei! Katoa: E ko te hoa riri ki roto i aku ringa,.kutia rawatia. Kia pare tonu ihu Hi! Ha! Aue! Ana! Ana! Ana! (Ksss…..Ksss….Ksss)

Song five: Toia mai
Toia mai te waka nei

Kumea mai te waka nei
Ki te takotoranga i
Takoto ai
Tiriti te mana motuhake

Te tangi a te manu e
Kui, kui, kui!
Whiti, whiti ora!
Hui e
Taiki e!

My favourite song is Toia mai, then Ka Waitata, then Utaina

Thursday, 18 November 2021

Ilminster Green team

 This morning most of Moana syndicate went to Ilminster Intermediate  to watch a play performed by the Ilminster green team. The play was about recycling. I was very excited.

Firstly Nanny Kōura a crayfish told her grandkids to go to bed but they wanted another story so she decided to tell the story about the time she saved the world from the aliens. Secondly some kids went to the skate park and dropped lolly wrappers. Then the king Alien, two normal  Aliens and a robot decided to dump their rubbish at the skate park. Then they left the Robot there. The next day the kids went back to the skatepark and found the robot, they got the robot to call the Aliens and told them to stop dumping their rubbish, but they didn't listen.

Secondly the kids went to Nanny Kōura and asked her to help Nanny Kōura said she wouldn't help because they dump their rubbish, then Nanny Kōura agreed to help. They got the robot to call back the Aliens and Nanny Kōura pretended to be the long lost Alien Queen and made them stop dumping rubbish.

I loved the play it was very fun to watch and had a good message about not littering. 

Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Speech performances and Flooding

Last thursday we did speeches it was good it was on thursday because there was so much rain we couldn't go outside. My speech was about Emma Twigg. There were loads of good speeches that I enjoyed.

About 3/4 of the way through one person went home, an then another and another. People kept coming in to tell people their parents were here to take them home. I had already done my speech but it was really annoying getting disrupted.

Almost half the class had left when the teachers (Koka Rozie and Koka Pip) decided we should just stop speeches because of all the disruptions. Then someone asked 'why is everyone leaving' Koka Rozie replied 'there's a risk of flooding from all the rain. And parents can come pick up their children' I looked out at the grass there were ankle deep puddles everywhere and little awa on the hills that wasn't there before.

I stayed at school for a little longer then mum came and picked me up. We had to drive out to Campion- my sister Nellie's school- to pick Nellie up. On the way we had to drive through massive puddle, it was like swimming. We picked up Nellie and two of her friends on the way back from Campion Gisborne was declared in a state of emergency so we went home and ate mars bars and hot chocolate. Sponge bay was told to evacuate. Our school hall was a safe place for people who had to evacuate.